Saturday, October 10, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

For the second half of the semester, I would like to work ahead more often. I would also like to delve into more writing styles. I feel like I am mostly writing stories that are from another character's perspective or stories with lots of dialogue. I want to make my stories more enjoyable rather than stories that people would rather skim over. I would also like to be able to give more critiques regarding other peoples' stories. This is because sometimes I feel as if I were to give critiques, they wouldn't be credible since I am not a good writer. But I realize that anyone can give critiques as long as they are relevant and can help build up another person's skills or talent. 

At this point in time, I have 267/450 points available in the class (and that is without me finishing the last 2 assignments I have from week 7 since I will be doing them tomorrow!). I should have 191 at this point in time, according to the chart. It seems that I am doing pretty well with my point accumulation (yay extra credit assignments!!). I am on track! I would love to finish early because that gives me more time to study for my other finals! Hopefully I can get finished by mid-November; that will be my new goal. :) 

Puppies racing to the finish line. 
Source: PoundingtheRock.

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